Saturday, November 22, 2008

Look Out, It's the Impertinent Daughter!!

Here is a Cause and Effect assignment the Impertinent Daughter did in her English class which I found hilariously funny...

How I Lost My Math Homework...

Because I lost my math homework, some Chinese guy found it.

Because some Chinese guy found it, everyone in China knows my name.

Because everyone in China knows my name, I was on the cover of several Chinese magazines.

Because I was on the cover of several Chinese magazines, I had to be sneaky to get my homework.

Because I had to be sneaky to get my homework, I became a ninja (even if they're Japanese).

Because I became a ninja (even if they're Japanese), no one knew who I was.

Because no one knew who I was, they thought I was a thief.

Because they thought I was a thief, I had to run away.

Because I had to run away, I still don't have my homework.

Because I still don't have my homework, I ended up failing my class!!

That's some mighty convoluted reasoning, but hey, it made a great story!!

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